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Results 1 - 17 of 17

1. Favicon MIME type?

(Markup and Style/CSS) ...It is the responsibility of webmasters to make sure their files are properly served. With "text/*" MIME, browsers / search bots respect the MIME type provided and treat files as html or text content...
Friday, 17 June 2011

2. IE7 CSS Problem

(Markup and Style/CSS) Did you know that IE7 does not understand some of CSS properties depending on how classes names are written? How? Here is answer. Comes out it does not understand rules like "._classname".
Friday, 17 June 2011

3. Inline-Block Cross-browser Support

(Markup and Style/CSS) This is the CSS rule for giving elements inline-block styling. .inline-block { display:-moz-inline-box; display:inline-block; -moz-box-orient: vertical; zoom:1; *display:inline;
Monday, 23 November 2009

4. Seven PHP performance rules you should be aware of

(PHP/Performance) ...emember me checkbox enabled You login the user, send the usual session cookie which expires after browser is closed, but... You also send special cookie with 1 month expiration time ...
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

5. Super slow website on IE6?

(PHP/Gotchas) ...200 (OK) response with "Expires" header set long time in future. That is, it is unlikely that the client's browser will request the resource more than once. Note that rewrite rules account for "reques...
Friday, 21 August 2009

6. Separating CSS and JS from HTML

(Improve/Website Optimization Techniques) ...ebsite performance optimization. It allows website visitors to store non-changing parts of your website in browser cache for faster access. Using external files basically results in faster page re...
Monday, 29 June 2009

7. Lighten the load for Zend Framework Application - Part I

(PHP/Performance) = ( "" => "access 7 years" ) } This is aggressive caching approach. Users always get files from browser cache after first access via network. Once you change asset files' contents, you will...
Wednesday, 13 May 2009

8. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(PHP/Performance) ...HTML doctype to their documents, without actually serving document as XHTML. This triggers majority of the browsers to treat such pages as “tag-soup”. If you really care for faster XHTML...
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

9. Enable your Zend Framework App with Conditional GET! (Make it green)

(PHP/Performance) ...asically a feature of the HTTP protocol. By sending correct HTTP headers with your application, you enable browsers of your end users to cache pages of your site. Are you worried about users havin...
Tuesday, 10 February 2009

10. Debugging your ZF application with Firebug

(PHP/Debugging) ...ole. For people who still don't know, Firebug is a great addon for Firefox: So get the Firefox browser (you don't have Firefox, huh?) and install Firebug addon. Next thing to do is install...
Sunday, 08 February 2009

11. GZIP Compression

(Improve/Website Optimization Techniques) ... not aware, that the GZIP compressed pages don't do it right in IE, due to its numerous bugs. Thus, the IE browser should be 'opt-out' from compression. By enabling compression on your server, not ...
Sunday, 23 March 2008

12. Web Standards

(News/Features) ...e. HTML 4.01 is the baseline for building websites which are both SEO friendly and interoperable on major browsers. The relevance of Web standards is most obvious when we consider emerging technolo...
Thursday, 27 December 2007

13. Advanced site performance techniques

(News/Features) ...know more than other guys know. We use: HTTP Conditional GET - enables your php driven websites become browser-cache friendly with absolutely no impact on functionality. Both the end users and you...
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

14. Enable your Zend Framework App with Conditional GET! (Make it green)

(Comments) ... thing as Expires) to 0 for such pages. Or other extremely small value. The max-age value defines the time browser does not request the page from network. The plugin does not have ability to define wh...
Tuesday, 02 June 2009

15. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) ...ways be something wrong or badly inserted tag if you use WYSIWYG in your app. With "application/xhtml+xml" browser will display errors. In addition to this post you should write about Tidy to clean up...
Saturday, 25 April 2009

16. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) ...t; </html> If an XHTML validator does not validate the document, it won't be displayed in supporting browsers (just the errors)...
Friday, 24 April 2009

17. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) ...o HTML. When you simply include the XHTML doctype in a webpage, this is not enough to trigger a supporting browser to actually treat the document as XHTML. With only XHTML doctype, served with text/ht...
Friday, 24 April 2009