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Total 11 results found. Search for [ files ] with Google
Results 1 - 11 of 11

1. Favicon MIME type?

(Markup and Style/CSS) As with all files on the Internet, each needs to have a MIME type assigned. It is the responsibility of webmasters to make sure their files are properly served. With "text/*" MIME, browsers / search
Friday, 17 June 2011

2. Funny PHP code

(General/LOL) Here are some snippets of PHP code which were found deep in the SVN source tree... $shipping_amount=$shipping_amount;
Friday, 17 June 2011

3. Function to format filesize

(PHP/Gotchas) This lightweight function will display file size in a user friendly format without much effort. I.e.: // will output i.e. 1KB (function always accepts bytes value) echo convert(1024); function
Monday, 27 December 2010

4. Getting MIME of remote file with Zend Framework

(PHP/RapidPHP) If you ever need to get content type of remote file from within PHP, this class will come in handy. Supposing you need to check external link if it is an mp3 file. You will be able to do this: $sn
Friday, 09 April 2010

5. PHP code check

(PHP/Gotchas), it's based on CodeSniffer parser. I am looking forward on to providing more options like uploading files (single or zipped package), prettier output and detailed explanation of errors. This will...
Friday, 12 March 2010

6. Little PHPDoc and SVN Integration

(PHP/Gotchas) ...s type of integration in your projects. On a large project where many people are working on multiple files, using Subversion for version control system is a common choice. The Subversion (or SVN f...
Thursday, 05 November 2009

7. Seven PHP performance rules you should be aware of

(PHP/Performance) ...c website and "remember me" feature I've been working on a high traffic website where session files really cluttered the web server because users were able to use "remember me" feature whic...
Wednesday, 21 October 2009

8. Separating CSS and JS from HTML

(Improve/Website Optimization Techniques) ...itors to store non-changing parts of your website in browser cache for faster access. Using external files basically results in faster page response times because JavaScript and CSS files are cach...
Monday, 29 June 2009

9. Ultimate Website Performance Optimization

(Services/Website Hosting) ...your server's bandwidth and makes loading your webpage lightning fast Concentrating your website asset files on a separate domain (i.e. for better client side caching Implementi...
Monday, 29 June 2009

10. Lighten the load for Zend Framework Application - Part I

(PHP/Performance) ... expire.url = ( "" => "access 7 years" ) } This is aggressive caching approach. Users always get files from browser cache after first access via network. Once you change asset files' contents,...
Wednesday, 13 May 2009

11. CSS and Javascript Compression

(Improve/Website Optimization Techniques) Apart from being GZIP'ed, the CSS and Javascript files can be compressed (minified) by stripping unnecessary comments and whitespaces. This allows to save even more on bandwidth and produce faster web
Sunday, 23 March 2008