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Search Keyword xhtml
Total 11 results found. Search for [ xhtml ] with Google
Results 1 - 11 of 11

1. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(PHP/Performance) pre.php Serving XHTML is often misunderstood by PHP developers. Frontend engineers simply include the XHTML doctype to their documents, without actually serving document as XHTML. This triggers
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

2. Web Standards

(News/Features) ... we are concerned about deploying W3C standards for the new websites. Our sites take advantages of valid XHTML, CSS, HTML 4.01 code. HTML 4.01 is the baseline for building websites which are both SEO...
Thursday, 27 December 2007

3. Advanced site performance techniques

(News/Features) ...with absolutely no impact on functionality. Both the end users and your server consume less traffic. XHTML compliant code - make your site modern, use the latest standard from W3C. ...
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

4. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) Wouldn't it be more precise to say that WebKit prefers XHTML, not Chrome? Or am I missing something?
Friday, 01 May 2009

5. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) If you run site through CMS forget about serving correct XHTML, there will always be something wrong or badly inserted tag if you use WYSIWYG in your app. With "application/xhtml+xml" browser will dis
Saturday, 25 April 2009

6. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) Thanks. Added Opera to the list. I belive Opera has a long history of support for XHTML but only recent versions indicate prefferance for XHTML over HTML in the Accept header. :) Forgot to enable com
Friday, 24 April 2009

7. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) ...; ... </head> <body> <span>Some text>/span>... </body> </html> If an XHTML validator does not validate the document, it won't be displayed in supporting browsers (j...
Friday, 24 April 2009

8. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) XHTML specification was made to bring the power of XML features/tools (for instance document parsing) to HTML. When you simply include the XHTML doctype in a webpage, this is not enough to trigger a
Friday, 24 April 2009

9. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) i don't really understand what u meant by "without actually serving document as XHTML" what u mean by that? what is content negotiation? so that compression can be used?
Thursday, 23 April 2009

10. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) ...: Zend_Controller_Response_Http::$getBody in /var/www/htdocs/immogo/library/Smartycode/Controller/Plugin/XhtmlServe.php on line 61...
Thursday, 23 April 2009

11. Serving XHTML in Zend Framework App

(Comments) Opera also sends Accept header with application/xhtml+xml ps. why doesn't your comment form submit when I press enter in the input boxes?
Thursday, 23 April 2009