Here is a quick advice on fixing performance related IE bug on your websites. I've discovered this problem while working on a client's website.
The Problem: Site is being slow at all times only in Internet Explorer 6, not matter whether it is latest version (SP3) or older.
Increasing cacheability of a website is an important step in website performance optimization. It allows website visitors to store non-changing parts of your website in browser cache for faster access.
This is one of the series of articles devoted to different aspects of optimizing a web application powered by Zend Framework, for best performance.
In part 1, we take a look at the server requirements for running a Zend Framework application and the key server settings that effect performance in production environment.
This article in a form of general advices provides an overview of methods as well as recommendations to run high traffic websites on a middle priced virtual private server.
Warning: this article contains Linux shell commands. Use at your own risk.
Serving XHTML is often misunderstood by PHP developers. Frontend engineers simply include the XHTML doctype to their documents, without actually serving document as XHTML. This triggers majority of the browsers to treat such pages as “tag-soup”.
If you really care for faster XHTML rendering, you can get its benefit by using content negotiation, thanks to the new controller plugin we have for you.
You should note, however, that your pages should be XHTML compliant and validate against XHTML validators like our own XHTML validator. Otherwise, XHTML supporting browsers will only display errors instead of actual content! If you are sure that your frontend designer is a good XHTML writer, then you should be safe (still, it never hurts to validate first).
In this article I'll show you a simple approach to enable your Zend Framework application saving lots of precious bandwidth, and thus, making it more end-users friendly, and save on bandwidth costs.
This technique involves HTTP conditional GET. This is basically a feature of the HTTP protocol. By sending correct HTTP headers with your application, you enable browsers of your end users to cache pages of your site.
Are you worried about users having old versions of page in cache? Then don't! This technique allows to get all the benefits of client side caching without affecting anything but 5 minutes of your time to integrate it :).